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Back to ReviewsFormer Employee These reviews are done when the employee gets hired in the honeymoon stage. If you are an AE, the company will only give you old accounts from their senior AEs, and then you have to sell what they tried to sell to the client. They will not tell you what you are doing wrong, but once it's done, you will be done at the company with a last-minute call from your boss and HR. Event unemployment will be delayed as the company will fight it, stating you knew you were underperforming. The managers operate out of fear and don't care if you over-sale a client. Internally, they always state if you are not in the proper role, they will work with you to find the correct position, but this is not the case. The co-workers are great, but the leaders lack leadership skills. You will have to figure out a lot on your own. Browse Other Reviews
Feb 13, 2024