Konica Minolta

Konica Minolta

172 Employee Ratings
172 Ratings
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Konica Minolta
Konica Minolta
172 Employee Ratings
77% Verified
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Current Employee
Aug 1, 2024
My overall experience was extremely challenging. You are not just a SDR, you are an SDR, an AE, an AM, an admin specialist, and more. Full-cycle sales is fine but wearing that many hats on a $48,000 a year salary is brutal. Hardly anybody hits quota or even comes close, the few who do are the tiny minority who have been there for years and are able to hit quota strictly by renewing their major accounts MFP leases once every 3-5 years. In the interview you will be told that MFP’s are a small percentage of revenue earned and the majority of that revenue comes from IT and solutions. This is a blatant lie, KM still makes around 85% of their revenue from printers.
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