RepVue Score
Top 20% of CompaniesDelphix
Back to ReviewsCurrent Employee Training and enablement was subpar, left to figure it out mostly on your own. Compensation is above average. This is Enterprise to the next role after Enterprise ADR is not clear, RSMs/Enterprise AE’s typically have 10+ more experience so the gap is my only real issue with Delphix is about the company structure. Most of your coworkers are in their late 30’s and 40’s.
Other issues I saw…
Upper leadership in sales is very old school. These guys move in gangs together from company to company so getting past Director level is near impossible. Nepotism exists, 2 hires Ive seen were children of execs or Enteprise AE’s and they took them with ZERO experience over more qualified candidates.
Region and territory wise East and Central are great, if you get west region you are going to work harder, have less leads, and work longer hours. East has so many leads events that certain reps will hit their quota within days, whereas reps in west are working to barely hit quota. Huge disparity between regions. Browse Other ReviewsFormer Employee Excellent great sales culture and teamwork as a winning business
Jan 29, 2024
Mar 22, 2024