Cisco Systems

Cisco Systems

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Cisco Systems
Cisco Systems
1,114 Employee Ratings
77% Verified
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Former Employee
Oct 31, 2024
Overall, I enjoyed my time at Cisco. I loved working there until they started lay offs. Then the culture completely changed, managers started micro managing, personal things shared in confidence to my manager were later used against me, doubled my goal in 1 year with no new customers or new product with customers on a 3-5 year buying cycle. My coworker was laid off, and they wanted to give me all of their already high quota and customers instead of spreading the work out across the remaining team. I blame my manager for me wanting to leave. I loved the company and everything they offered before that. So, it greatly depends on who your manager is and whether they protect you from the pressure coming down, or do they offer you up to the wolves as sacrifice so they can keep their job. I would go back to Cisco, but under a different org. Collaboration is not the pillar at Cisco it once was. Teams selling against each others product, conflicting goal strategies. Acquisitions not fully thought out on contract execution but pushing ahead regardless led to a lot of frustrated sellers and customers who couldn't renew their contract.
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