CentralSquare Technologies

CentralSquare Technologies

34 Employee Ratings
34 Ratings
85% Verified
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CentralSquare Technologies
CentralSquare Technologies
34 Employee Ratings
85% Verified
Unclaimed Profile
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Current Employee
Jul 4, 2023
Getting so much better! CentralSquare has struggled historically in a number of areas since inception (merger of 4 major Public Safety/ Administration firms) in 2017. First, leadership is more consistent. We had near 100% turn over in executive leadership through a span of 12 months. These changes, while jarring and unsettling to go through, resulted in a solid group of diverse leaders who care about the company and our mission. Compensation is also improving (in a way). Call out - NO SALARY RAISES for sales!? That’s offensive. Base is still horribly low for the industry with the level of complexity this role requires. Base for this role needs to be $85-120K to remain competitive (thanks for the info RepVue!). Commission is what has improved. New comp plan (current Qtrly vs prior Annual) allows strong sellers to far exceed and strategically plan sales close timelines, for inside sellers specifically.
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