RepVue Score
Back to ReviewsFormer Employee Lot of negative reviews don't capture the full story here. In the core AskNicely days, this place was thriving and a ton of fun. VC pressure to "grow at all costs" caused overhiring, which eventually lead to layoffs similar to what many other startups faced over the past few years. Now the team is back down to a core group of reps who know this place has the potential to be great again. Quite a few of the sales team have been there for 2-5+ years so the people who helped build this sales team are still there keeping it going - thats a good sign.
I don't work there anymore so I have no dog in the fight... but my recommendation is to meet the team and see for yourself is this is a mission you can get behind and a product you can be successful selling. Browse Other Reviews
Oct 5, 2023
1 Useful