Apex Systems

Apex Systems

97 Employee Ratings
97 Ratings
88% Verified
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RepVue Score10.20
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Apex Systems
Apex Systems
97 Employee Ratings
88% Verified
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Current Employee
Sep 18, 2023
The base salary is extremly low compared to others in the market. We do have uncapped comission at 19% which makes up for it, but if your clients are not spending money, you're not making money. Our roles are true account management and there is no encouragmeent to find or break your own accounts, its generally all set by the sales leaders and you spend your time navigating the accounts on your own. Overall the culture is OK in terms of working with many like minded indivudals but there is very little diversity within leadership. There are very few people of color or women across all of leadership. Traditionally when they are in leadership they're over recruiting, not sales.
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