Angi fka HomeAdvisor

Angi fka HomeAdvisor

426 Employee Ratings
426 Ratings
75% Verified
Engaged Employer
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Angi fka HomeAdvisor
Angi fka HomeAdvisor
426 Employee Ratings
75% Verified
Engaged Employer
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Current Employee
Mar 22, 2024
From coming from a retail background this was a good entry level position to learn about selling saas and working into a B2B cold calling role. Overall you must prospect to make it here or have a manager who can do it. Very competitive and over 90% of people do not make it in there 1st year. Having disabilities and survives that have made me lose a lot of time I have still been able to make 6 figures at this job. If you are super motivated, competitive and get lucky knowing how to prospect or put on a good team. This is a great entry level role to get you into making 6 figures. No work life balance in order to be successful. And every 3 months there will be changes to everything.
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