RepVue Score
Back to ReviewsFormer Employee BUYER BEWARE.
Do yourself a favor and avoid at all costs. I cannot fathom how the average rating is more than 3 stars. Recruiters typically try to hire fresh college grads that don't know any better. If you really want to get into tech and you aren't receiving any other offers then I'd say go for memoryBlue but be cautious.
Pros: You get to build your resume at an exceptionally fast rate with all the different tech industries that memoryBlue offers their services to.
Cons: Whatever comp structure they paint with the possibility of earning a decent OTE is pretty much fairy dust. I'd say only about 20% of SDR's consistently hit or exceed quota. This is the poorest leadership and middle management I've ever experienced. Getting yelled at, ridiculed and publicly shamed for not meeting an unrealistic quota is not uncommon, along with the ridiculous daily dial metric that needs to bet met. Browse Other Reviews
Jun 27, 2023