When I Work

When I Work

28 Employee Ratings
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When I Work
When I Work
28 Employee Ratings
96% Verified
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Current Employee
Aug 9, 2023
I'm one of the longest-tenured reps at WIW (5+ years) and have survived 3 CEOs and 2 layoffs (2 layoffs in 3 years, might I add). I've had great success with this company, as well as down-periods. All I can say is, trust your gut on sales leaders - it's usually right. The demise of a company will never fall on the shoulders of one person, but one person's influence in the wrong direction over an extended period of time will greatly impact how successful a team is. This company isn't what it used to be. The product feature set lags behind the competition, pricing and packaging gets reworked often as it tends to be overpriced for the offering, leadership changes strategy and direction every 3-4 months, and the data isn't accessible to pull simple reports on customer demographics. Pay is also low compared to similar roles in the area. Makes me sad to say, but look elsewhere as this company is going through some growing pains that will take a few years to work through.
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