Former Employee1.0May 7, 2024Losing market share quarter over quarter for the last 3 years - this ORG made a major mistake by not investing in channel 3 years ago when their competitors did (win rates were between 5-8% against multiple competitors). Platform is a piecemeal solution due to buyouts, nothing proprietary / made workflows and integrations for customers abysmal. In 18 months this...Read More
Losing market share quarter over quarter for the last 3 years - this ORG made a major mistake by not investing in channel 3 years ago when their competitors did (win rates were between 5-8% against multiple competitors). Platform is a piecemeal solution due to buyouts, nothing proprietary / made workflows and integrations for customers abysmal. In 18 months this...Read More
Former Employee2.7Dec 12, 2023Terminus was once an amazing place to work, but has gone downhill incredibly quickly. Nearly all talented individuals have voluntarily left the organization and others have been pushed out by countless rounds of layoffs.
Terminus was once an amazing place to work, but has gone downhill incredibly quickly. Nearly all talented individuals have voluntarily left the organization and others have been pushed out by countless rounds of layoffs.
Current Employee3.0Aug 20, 2023Great people and leadership, however the product features far too many issues that cannot be resolved long-term. Sad story all around.
Great people and leadership, however the product features far too many issues that cannot be resolved long-term. Sad story all around.