Power Home Remodeling

Power Home Remodeling

87 Employee Ratings
87 Ratings
61% Verified
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Power Home Remodeling
Power Home Remodeling
87 Employee Ratings
61% Verified
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Former Employee
Oct 20, 2023
Amazing training, awful compensation. Representatives not being able to pay their basic bills was a common theme. Ramp pay was dramatically shorter than it should’ve been. Misleading average salary (they use the average AFTER one year of being with the company). Not hitting quota: there was something wrong with you, not them, which definitely wasn’t true. Half of it is essentially luck, the other half is using the training provided. Strong kool aid culture for a low base pay. However, there is a lot of opportunity if you can weather the poor pay. All in all, 2/5 experience at best. If you’re fresh out of college it would be ideal. If you’re an established adult with financial needs, avoid at ALL costs.
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