PatientPop (Tebra)

PatientPop (Tebra)

160 Employee Ratings
160 Ratings
89% Verified
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PatientPop (Tebra)
PatientPop (Tebra)
160 Employee Ratings
89% Verified
Unclaimed Profile
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Former Employee
Jun 17, 2024
Everything was smooth at first. Shortly after I started I realized how unorganized the company was due to their recent merger. It's nobody's fault, but you had two separate cultures clashing which led to two different schools of thought training new hires which is extremely confusing, particularly in a remote setting. The ehr side is a need to have for businesses in this industry, and they are a veteran leader in the space. It's a good company to be in as long as the customers are kept top of mind. I was laid off due to a reduction in force 4 months after being hired, my second month as a fully trained account rep, and was leading my team in most metrics at the time.
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