Feedback Loop

Feedback Loop

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4 Employee Ratings
4 Ratings
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Feedback Loop
Feedback Loop
4 Employee Ratings
100% Verified
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Company Rank Pending

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Rated by at least 4 unique users
At least 6 overall ratings
At least 70% verification score
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Performance Category Ratings

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Category Score
Industry Percentile
Industry Rank
Culture and Leadership
- th%of Software orgs
# -of 2,470 Software orgs
Base Compensation
- th%of Software orgs
# -of 2,470 Software orgs
Incentive Compensation Structure
- th%of Software orgs
# -of 2,470 Software orgs
Product - Market Fit
- th%of Software orgs
# -of 2,470 Software orgs
Professional Development and Training
- th%of Software orgs
# -of 2,470 Software orgs
Inbound Lead / Opportunity Flow
- th%of Software orgs
# -of 2,470 Software orgs
Diversity and Inclusion
- th%of Software orgs
# -of 2,470 Software orgs
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About Feedback Loop
Parent CompanyDISQO
Greater New York City Area

Feedback Loop by DISQO, is the agile research platform that business teams rely on to test ideas directly with target consumers before they bring products or campaigns to market....More

Percent that Attain Quota?

24%of team members typically hit their quota

Software Industry Average


Global Average

Quota Attainment at Feedback Loop
No Salary Insights yet
We don't have insights yet because Feedback Loop employees have not submitted enough data for each job role. Rate this company to add your own salary data!
Feedback Loop
Salaries at Feedback Loop

Employee Ratings

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Frequently Asked Questions

Feedback Loop has an overall employee rating of 2.9 out of 5.

Currently it is reported that 23.8% of the reps at Feedback Loop are hitting quota.

Feedback Loop has a rating of 3.0 out of 5 for culture and leadership.

Feedback Loop has a rating of 2.0 out of 5 for Product - Market Fit.
Feedback Loop
FAQ at Feedback Loop
About Feedback Loop
Parent CompanyDISQO
Greater New York City Area

Feedback Loop by DISQO, is the agile research platform that business teams rely on to test ideas directly with target consumers before they bring products or campaigns to market....More

Percent that Attain Quota?

24%of team members typically hit their quota

Software Industry Average


Global Average

Company Quota Attainment
Company Size
for DISQO, the parent company