RepVue Score
Top 10% of CompaniesEduMe
Back to ReviewsFormer Employee Quota for SDRs was, quite literally, unattainble during my time there as eduMe had launched into new verticals (where they had no brand presence) but were still applying the same targets as when they were exclusively working a vertical with good PMF.
> A lack of real sales leadership led us to a 'try everything and see what works' approach.
> Very little chance for progression if you're working in the UK sales team as the entire sales function has effectively been exported to the US office
> CEO is one of the best
> Everyone at the company genuinely cares about you and are brilliant to work with
> Have promoted at least one SDR to AE, although that person did have to spend 2.5 years in the SDR role Browse Other Reviews
Dec 6, 2024