Datto, Inc.

Datto, Inc.

170 Employee Ratings
170 Ratings
93% Verified
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Datto, Inc.
Datto, Inc.
170 Employee Ratings
93% Verified
Unclaimed Profile
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Current Employee
Feb 21, 2024
Overall experience was good. Datto was purchased by Kaseya in 2022 and Datto culture in non-existent now. Kaseya culture isn't bad but leadership seems to be pushing lower salary hirings and eliminating positions by merging responsibilities under sales. Instead of merging companies an cultures, Kaseya leadership saw it fit to just severe Datto's way and methodology completely and "square peg, round hole" everyone into what they wanted. Unfortunately many good people have left and the level of stress has hit peak-danger level. Kaseya could be a great company if they'd pump the breaks and re-evaluate how they are doing things. Otherwise, it's going to turn into another churn/burn culture with high-turnover and promises of making you rich over a short period of time.
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