City Furniture

City Furniture

9 Employee Ratings
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City Furniture
City Furniture
9 Employee Ratings
56% Verified
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Current Employee
Dec 17, 2024
My overall experience with city furniture is great. The products that they carry have a wide selection of different styles, gorgeous well designed stores, and good marketing bringing in a lot of traffic. Inventory is an issue affecting pay but a pipeline is needed to be built before making actual money since you get paid on delivery not what you sell. Building rapport and prospecting consumer clients for appointments is where most of your sales come from. With it being retail you will have a lot of people that just come in to look and its your duty to get information and follow up to try and close the deal. The amount of effort you put in working here is the amount you will make. The way the stores are designed it allows it to be a one stop shop leading to higher tickets. You do have to work every weekend (Saturday/Sunday) however they allow for full time, part-time and 4 day work weeks with both options. Overall I'd say City Furniture is a good entry sales job for people wanting to get into sales.
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