Angi fka HomeAdvisor

Angi fka HomeAdvisor

426 Employee Ratings
426 Ratings
75% Verified
Engaged Employer
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Angi fka HomeAdvisor
Angi fka HomeAdvisor
426 Employee Ratings
75% Verified
Engaged Employer
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Current Employee
Aug 11, 2023
This is a love/hate sort of company. Uncapped commission and the culture is good depending on which team you eventually land on. Some are micro-managed and other teams are not, just depends on your manager. The challenge is getting past the company's reputation when selling. Let's just say they have history. On top of that, the ideal clientele are very aware of it. Selling leads to contractors who have to pass a background check and in many instances have to have a license in their specific trade adds even more of a challenge. There is money to be made but you will lose a lot of money due to technicalities that aren't related to your level of sales skill.
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