RepVue Score
Back to ReviewsFormer Employee My overall experience across 3+ years was negative. Culture is talked about a lot here especially to new hires to explain the low base salary but the culture is as bad as it gets so it's not a strength. They have a strong 'good ole boy' network that is well established and strong so most have no idea where they stand and while fairness is communicated constantly as a goal for all, it is not practiced. Leadership changes compensation plan multiple times per year and if sales people pop a large deal they step in and limit your opportunity to take advantage of the accelerators they created. They don't care if you leave but do care if you voice your unhappiness. It's a very uncomfortable cult like culture they instill so most 'go along to get along' if you know what I mean and as a result, leadership has no clue how unhappy the vast majority of teams are. I regret going here and would never recommend this company. Browse Other Reviews
Sep 21, 2023
1 Useful