Olly Olly

Olly Olly

27 Employee Ratings
27 Ratings
70% Verified
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Olly Olly
Olly Olly
27 Employee Ratings
70% Verified
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Current Employee
Jun 30, 2023
Olly Olly is a small, family-owned digital marketing company that is growing rapidly. As a start up, there’s always going to be new challenges to overcome as well as growing pains that need to be addressed, but overall, the future outlook of the company is bright. The positive and collaborative culture makes coming into the office fun and I am genuinely excited to see my coworkers every day. The earnings potential for an entry level role is incredible and I’m happy that they took a risk on me being someone who had no prior sales experience before this role. As long as you remain coachable, hold yourself accountable to your daily metrics and enter each day with a positive mentality, you can easily make the money you deserve to make!
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