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LeafFilter Gutter Protection
Back to ReviewsCurrent Employee I have worked for this company off and on for more than five years now. My income has grown from $100,000 per year to being on pace to make about $300-$350,000 this year. There are other people in the organization that have potential to make $400,000 plus and I think it’s possible depending on which market you are in how many leads you are willing to run how many days off you take and how good you are to make upwards of $500-$600,000 possibly max.
The problem I have is when you start to make that much money it doesn’t really make sense to take a management role because some of the managers make far less than some of the best reps in the company. Some of the managers make way more so that is attractive but those positions are few and far between.
Browse Other ReviewsCurrent Employee My overall experience was great. Lots of hours but lots of money.
Aug 19, 2023
Sep 7, 2023