Groove, a Clari Company

Groove, a Clari Company

67 Employee Ratings
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Groove, a Clari Company
Groove, a Clari Company
67 Employee Ratings
97% Verified
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Groove, a Clari Company Account Executive Salaries

Last 12 months
Aged Data
Median Base Salary
Median On-Target Earnings
Top Performer Can Earn

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Salary Distribution
Base Salary
On-Target Earnings

Percent that Attain Quota?

42%of team members typically hit their quota
Account Executive Quota Attainment at Groove, a Clari Company

Employee Sentiment on Compensation at Groove, a Clari Company

Base Compensation
Incentive Compensation Structure
Frequently Asked Questions

Groove, a Clari Company Account Executives have a median base salary of $100,000 and an OTE of $200,000.  View the detailed salary tab for more granular salary data by role.

The top performing Account Executive at Groove, a Clari Company can earn $604,000 or more. This is including base and variable compensation. 

The median base salary for Account Executive at Groove, a Clari Company is $100,000 per year, which is 1% higher than the median base salary of the global salary role. 

The average deal size for Account Executives is estimated to be $123,000.
Groove, a Clari Company
FAQ at Groove, a Clari Company

Percent that Attain Quota?

42%of team members typically hit their quota
Account Executive Quota Attainment at Groove, a Clari Company
Avg. deal size
Base variable split?
49% / 51%
Product - Market Fit?
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Frequently Asked Questions

Groove, a Clari Company Account Executives have a median base salary of $100,000 and an OTE of $200,000.  View the detailed salary tab for more granular salary data by role.

The top performing Account Executive at Groove, a Clari Company can earn $604,000 or more. This is including base and variable compensation. 

The median base salary for Account Executive at Groove, a Clari Company is $100,000 per year, which is 1% higher than the median base salary of the global salary role. 

The average deal size for Account Executives is estimated to be $123,000.
Groove, a Clari Company
FAQ at Groove, a Clari Company