Artesian Bottleless Water
RepVue Score
Top 20% of CompaniesArtesian Bottleless Water
Profile Highlights
Top Company on RepVue!
Artesian Bottleless Water ranks in the top 20% of all companies on RepVue
High Quota Attainment
Artesian Bottleless Water quota attainment far exceeds the industry average
High Score for Incentive Compensation Structure
Artesian Bottleless Water is in the 97th percentile for Incentive Compensation Structure
Performance Category Ratings
See how employees rated Artesian Bottleless Water in RepVue’s key performance categories.
Category Score
Industry Percentile
Industry Rank
Culture and Leadership
50th%of Retail / Automotive orgs
# 19of 38 Retail / Automotive orgs
Base Compensation
48th%of Retail / Automotive orgs
# 20of 38 Retail / Automotive orgs
Incentive Compensation Structure
97th%of Retail / Automotive orgs
# 1of 38 Retail / Automotive orgs
Product - Market Fit
92nd%of Retail / Automotive orgs
# 3of 38 Retail / Automotive orgs
Professional Development and Training
65th%of Retail / Automotive orgs
# 13of 38 Retail / Automotive orgs
Inbound Lead / Opportunity Flow
50th%of Retail / Automotive orgs
# 19of 38 Retail / Automotive orgs
Diversity and Inclusion
68th%of Retail / Automotive orgs
# 12of 38 Retail / Automotive orgs
About Artesian Bottleless Water
Artesian Bottleless Water specializes in providing water and ice systems for offices, serving customers with pride since 1955. Our advanced Bottleless Coolers offer a sustainable...More
Dec 21, 2023
Dec 1, 2023
Employee Ratings
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Frequently Asked Questions
Artesian Bottleless Water has an overall employee rating of 3.7 out of 5 and a RepVue score of 84.38. They are ranked #3 out of all Retail / Automotive organizations.
Currently it is reported that 64.5% of the reps at Artesian Bottleless Water are hitting quota.
Artesian Bottleless Water has a rating of 3.3 out of 5 for culture and leadership. They are ranked #2255 in this category out of 5362 companies.
Artesian Bottleless Water has a rating of 4.7 out of 5 for Product - Market Fit and is ranked #3 out of 38 Retail / Automotive companies.
About Artesian Bottleless Water
Artesian Bottleless Water specializes in providing water and ice systems for offices, serving customers with pride since 1955. Our advanced Bottleless Coolers offer a sustainable...More
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