Avtech Capital
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Avtech Capital
Avtech Capital Mid Market Account Executive Salaries
Last 12 months
Median Base Salary
Median On-Target Earnings
Top Performer Can Earn
Salary Distribution
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Avtech Capital Mid Market Account Executives have a median base salary of $50,000 and an OTE of $70,000. View the detailed salary tab for more granular salary data by role.
The top performing Mid Market Account Executive at Avtech Capital can earn $560,000 or more. This is including base and variable compensation.
The median base salary for Mid Market Account Executive at Avtech Capital is $50,000 per year, which is 20% lower than the median base salary of the global salary role.
The average deal size for Mid Market Account Executives is estimated to be $350,000.
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74% / 26%
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Avtech Capital Mid Market Account Executives have a median base salary of $50,000 and an OTE of $70,000. View the detailed salary tab for more granular salary data by role.
The top performing Mid Market Account Executive at Avtech Capital can earn $560,000 or more. This is including base and variable compensation.
The median base salary for Mid Market Account Executive at Avtech Capital is $50,000 per year, which is 20% lower than the median base salary of the global salary role.
The average deal size for Mid Market Account Executives is estimated to be $350,000.