

11 Employee Ratings
11 Ratings
82% Verified
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11 Employee Ratings
82% Verified
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Current Employee
Aug 24, 2024
My experience has been horrible. For a massive company, this is one of the most mismanaged corporations I’ve ever been apart of. They only do one round of new hire training every year so if you start in April, you have to wait until the beginning on next year to attend training. Your Manager will not take any part of your development or training even though you are told that you are going to take 2-3 years to get up to speed. At least this was my experience. The bonus payout is one lump sum but split up into a mid year payout that you can’t really do anything with because if your territory tanks the second half of the year, they take out your bonus at the end of year payout. They are constantly dealing with supply chain issues and for Loctite being so popular world wide, they have very few manufacturing sites and packaging vendors so if one site or vendor is in a production disruption, then the product is just unavailable to sell. They cap your commission but require you to do a certain number of KPI’s that are all Unachievable without lying.
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