Clipboard Health
RepVue Score
Clipboard Health
Back to ReviewsFormer Employee Compensation: They have a very old-school mentality. They want you to be high-volume robots with little focus on the quality of work. The compensation structure is also partially based on inputs rather than outputs. For example, you can hit your number, but they can take some of your compensation away because you didn't make enough calls. Compensation changes every 1 or 2 months; moving the basket is a habit for them.
Leadership/Culture: This is a product-led organization. The sales leaders here typically don't have individual contributor (IC) experience and come from product or operations backgrounds—anything but sales backgrounds. So naturally, professional development and training aren't going to be prioritized. You will find yourself training your manager most of the time instead of the other way around.
There is a culture of poaching for the AEs and AMs, partially allowed due to favorites/politics. In short, AEs can close a healthcare facility and manage the relationship to eventually try to expand to the rest of the corporate. But if they need help with support from an AM one time, the company will let the AM handle it so that they don't have to pay the AE. Browse Other Reviews
May 14, 2024