Acts Retirement-Life Communities, Inc.

Acts Retirement-Life Communities, Inc.

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Acts Retirement-Life Communities, Inc.
Acts Retirement-Life Communities, Inc.
2 Employee Ratings
50% Verified
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Former Employee
Jul 15, 2023
ACTS Retirement Life Communities is a not-for-profit and the base salary is below market. The commissions are shared by the team, but performance is evaluated individually. The size of the community and number of people on the sales team impacts your earnings. I know some who made $120K+ with a 2 person team and some only $80K on a 4 person team. There's plenty of leads to work with, as long as they're shared equitably among the team. The average sales cycle is 2 years-you must have patience for working with seniors in what is a lifestyle changing and high dollar sale. It's extremely rewarding, you develop wonderful relationships with the residents and they can provide you with referrals. ACTS holds sales consultants accountable on a quarterly basis for making quota and there's a an additional $1200 you can earn each quarter on top of commissions which are $1000 per sale for the first 3 and $1500 thereafter, plus an occupancy bonus. There's great work-life balance with minimal evening and weekends since your clients are retired and their adult children are not key decision makers.