
How One RepVue User Landed Her Next Sales Job

RepVue Team
RepVue TeamSep 19, 2023

Recently, RepVue founder and CEO Ryan Walsh had the opportunity to chat with one of our users about her experience with RepVue. She’d recently landed a new sales job through our platform and reached out on LinkedIn to let us know how helpful RepVue had been, both in her search and when considering new opportunities.

The conversation was short, but she had a lot to say about what she was looking for in a company, how she used RepVue to find it, and ultimately how she found her new position on RepVue.

Check out the video or read through the transcript below to see how RepVue helped Kelly — and how it can help other sellers like you.

(Transcript has been lightly edited for clarity and length)

Ryan Walsh, Founder & CEO of RepVue: So Kelly, tell us, how did you hear about RepVue in the first place?

Kelly Cone: I think the way that I learned about RepVue in the first place was Corporate Bro. Have you heard of him? Ross Pomerantz?

RW: Yeah, we know Ross. We know Corporate Bro.

KC: He reposted something that y’all had posted about companies that were hiring when all the layoffs were happening. So you got on my radar and I was like, wow … you’re asking questions that only a sales rep would know to ask.

Does the company have product fit? What’s inbound lead flow like? What’s the sales culture and leadership like? Things that you miss, like the granular details of what it’s like for a sales person in an organization that you’re not gonna find on … some of these other sites. 

I felt like it was a job board by salespeople for salespeople, and I hadn’t really found that yet.

I was excited that you were asking the right questions. Because as a candidate, there’s some things when you’re in that dance where you don’t — you don’t wanna ask, ‘Do you have product-market fit? And if you do, how would your reps rate that out of five?’

You know? That’s not something in an interview that you necessarily want to come out and ask a VP of sales.

RW: I love hearing that. I guess my second question — or just if you can, pontificate a little bit on, specifically, how RepVue was helpful to you in the decision making process for your next role.

KC: I’ve done the early startup shuffle. And it’s been something I’ve loved, right? Series-A companies, coming in early. You’re taking a risk, right? I’ve always had a pretty large appetite for coming in early.

But what I missed was some of those questions that RepVue features on the profiles I mentioned earlier — product-market fit, sales leadership and culture, what percentage of reps are hitting quota — questions that you don’t get unless you know someone on the inside.

So it almost felt like I knew somebody on the inside that was advocating for me before I even applied to a role, which changed my whole experience this time around.

I had gotten an email from a marketing campaign about companies that had the highest product market fit. The last Series A company that I came from ended up shuttering its doors, and they essentially were struggling to find fit.

We changed our [ideal customer profile] a few times. And as the sales rep when that happens, we end up taking the brunt of it. So it’s really important to me to find a company that had a great fit in the market.

It’s almost like you read my mind. I got an email that was like top five companies that have product-market fit. I open it and I start looking at all the companies and I find the company that I’m gonna be landing at.

I found Consensus, which I would have never found. Just this awesome company. They’re one of the highest-ranked companies on RepVue for culture, leadership, inbound lead flow, product-market fit. 

It just felt like it felt serendipitous. It felt like, “How did I not know?” I would have never found them before. If I had clicked through like six pages of posted jobs, I might have found them, but I wouldn’t have known what a gem they were had I not had this lay of the land that RepVue provided.

RW: Well, thank you so much for sharing that. We’re happy to have helped, at least playing a small role and helping you identify the organization. Then obviously you knocked it out of the park on your interviews and got the offer that you wanted, congrats on that.

Like you said earlier, RepVue is built by salespeople for sales people, right? We have a small team, but many of us have direct sales experience and have sat in the trenches. So, we’re happy to do it and hopefully we’ll keep doing it for a long time.

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